In an impressive round two, Manhar Bajoria from Kolkata showcased his skills by shooting an outstanding one under par 69. This remarkable performance secured him the championship title at the 2023 Tolly Masters, the eighth leg of the Indian Golf Union (IGU) East Zone Amateur Feeder Tour, held at Tollygunge Club.
After the first round, Manhar found himself in fourth position with a score of six over par. However, he made a stunning comeback, finishing one under par to claim the Amateur category title. Manhar’s final score for the two rounds stood at five over par 145.
In the Amateur category, a four-way tie for the second position ensued, featuring Md Rohit, Ahaan Gupta, Rakshik Basu, and the round one leader, Jakir Hussain. Ultimately, Md Rohit secured the second spot as his round two score outperformed the other three golfers. Md Rohit’s total score for both rounds was 10 over par 150. In the Mid-Amateur category, Jakir Hussain from Assam emerged as the victor with a score of ten over par 150 for both rounds. Abhishek Mitra from Hyderabad claimed the second position with a score of sixteen over par 156.
Ashit Luthra triumphed in the Senior and Super Senior (60 years and above) category, achieving a score of 167. Sumit Banerjee secured the second position with a score of 172. The winners were honoured with prizes presented by Sheetal Khanna from Keventer Agro and Sreyon Chatterjee, vice-captain of Tollygunge Club.
The tournament’s education partner was The Champ for Life Academy, the outdoor media partner was Balaji Ads and the online proshop partner was Golfedge. The event was managed by Protouch Sports.