Karnataka’s Manoj S. from the Amateur category, Haryana’s Heena Kang from the Ladies category, Sri Lanka’s Kaya Daluwatte from the A Girls, Chandigarh’s Guntas Kaur Sandhu from the B Girls category, and Karnataka’s Aida Thimmaiah from the C Girls, snatched triumph in the IGU Rotary Bio-Gen Southern India Amateur Golf Championship 2024.
The IGU Rotary Bio-Gen Southern India Amateur Golf Championship 2024, that started on October 21 at the Karnataka Golf Association, Bengaluru concluded on October 25 with the outstanding performance by Amateur and Ladies golfers all over the country.
Karnataka’s Manoj S from the Amateur category put up a brilliant performance throughout the four rounds of the Championship. Though he made a difficult start scoring a two under 70 after the first round, Manoj’s performance improved consistently after the second round.
Finishing the second round with a four under 68, Manoj went on to secure a two under par again in the third round. In the fourth round, he scored a marvelous eight under par which led him to secure an overall score of 272 and emerge victorious from the Amateur category.
The tournament for the golfers from the Ladies, A Girls, B Girls and C Girls categories consisted of three rounds only. Haryana’s Heena Kang from the Ladies category played an exceptional game throughout the three rounds. Starting the first round with a seven under 65, Heena trailed along in the second round and scored a four under 68.
However, playing an impressive third round, Heena secured another seven under 65. Her third round was marked by 5 consecutive birdies in the first five holes, that led her to emerge as the winner from the Ladies category with an overall of 198. Heena also became the winner from the A&B Girls and Ladies Combined category.
Sri Lanka’s Kaya Daluwatte from A Girls maintained consistency in her game throughout the three rounds of the Championship. She scored one under par over three rounds consecutively and scored an overall of 213 to secure victory as the winner from A Girls alongside securing the second position in the A&B Girls and Ladies Combined category.
Chandigarh’s Guntas Kaur Sandhu from B Girls started off, trailing along with a 79. However, she improved her performance and scored a 75 and an even par score in the second and the third rounds respectively, which culminated into an overall score of 226, and Guntas Kaur Sandhu secured the position of the winner from B Girls as well as from the A&B Girls Combined category.
Karnataka’s Aida Thimmaiah from C Girls had a tough start with a one over par after the first round. However, her performance improved considerably in the second and the third rounds where she secured a three under and two under par respectively. Scoring an overall of four under 212, Aida secured win from C Girls.
West Bengal’s Sandeep Yadav played one under par in both the first and the second rounds respectively. Scoring a two under 70 in the third round, Sandeep went on to score a seven under 65 in the fourth round which culminated in an overall score of eleven under 277 and Sandeep Yadav finished as the runner up from the Amateur category.
Uttar Pradesh’s Kanav Chauhan finished at the third position from the Amateur category with a nine under 279. Having started with a one over par, he maintained consistency in the second and the third rounds where he scored three under 69 consecutively. However, in the final round, Kanav showed his best game ending with a four under 68, thereby beating his strictest competitor, Karnataka’s Varun Muthappa, who scored a nine under 279 as well.
Haryana’s Lavanya Jadon made a difficult start in the first round with a 75. Improving her initial score, she scored an even par in the second round and a 74 in the third round. Acquiring a 221 after the final round, Lavanya secured the second position from the Ladies category.
Scoring a 74 and 77 in the first and the second rounds respectively, West Bengal’s Shinjini Mukherjee scored a 74 in the third round, which culminated in a 225 after the ultimate round, and Shinjini emerged as the second runner up from the Ladies category.
Delhi’s Keya Badagu trailed along in the first round scoring a 76, but improved her tactics and strategies to score a four under and two under par in the second and the third rounds. This resulted in a two under 214, and Keya became the runner up from the A Girls, and second runner up from A&B Girls and Ladies Combined category. With the same overall score, Karnataka’s Saanvi Somu secured the third position and the fourth position from the aforementioned categories.
Guntas Kaur Sandhu of B Girls was chased down by Delhi’s Aahana Kashyap. Aahana scored a 229 to become the runner up from B Girls and A&B Girls Combined category. Her strictest competitor was Uttar Pradesh’s Shambhavi Chaturvedi who scored a 233 and became third from the B Girls and A&B Girls Combined category.
Chandigarh’s Ojaswini Saraswat and Punjab’s Rabab Kahlon from C Girls scored a 222 and 233, and secured the second and the third positions respectively.
Exclusive golfing prowess was displayed by Amateur golfers from West Bengal. Among the golfers from West Bengal were Aryav Shah (71-69-73-77), Joysurjo Dey (75-66-72-78), Rahul Batra (72-75-73-72), and Samridh Sen (72-76-73-73). The IGU Rotary Bio-Gen Southern India Amateur Golf Championship 2024 was a testimony to great golfing moments, mental resilience and unwavering spirit of competition and promises a great future for golfers.