Khalin Joshi of Karnataka leads after round one of the Indian Golf Union’s Asian Games 2023 Trials at the Royal Calcutta Golf Club today. The Trial will consist of three rounds of golf, with the top two men’s and women’s competitors representing India at the Asian Games. The top 19 men and top 19 women are both competing for the final spot in the Asian Games. For the third time, the Asian Games, now in their 19th edition, will be held in China. The top spot in round one was taken by Punjab’s Amandeep Drall, who shot 68, followed by Delhi’s Diksha Dagar, who was only one shot behind. Four golfers finished third, two from Haryana and two from Karnataka, Neha Tripathi and Tvesa Malik from Haryana and Pranavi Urs and Avani Prashanth from Karnataka. As a result, they were all tied for third place. The four ladies all shot 70. Ajeetesh Sandhu of Chandigarh, who finished round one of the Asian Games 2023 trials with a score of four under par 68—one shot worse than Joshi—remained in second place among the men.